Friday, January 16, 2015



By John M Lennon 

What words could I say, to brighten your day 
What if I told you all the ways you made me smile today 
So with every ring of my phone I’m hoping it's you 
Thinking about every moment that could be 
Wishing for more and I can't wait to see
Every pondering thought ends with what could this be 

As I sit here I see you have truly captivated me


  1. Hold me within you
    Hold me as a memory
    A face among the crowds
    A breath floating with the breeze
    A whispering touch caressing your thoughts
    A smile to warm your heart

    The time will come
    And I will fade amongst the sunset
    My lips will be lost without yours
    My eyes will swim without the sight of your beauty
    My hands will ache for the feel of your warmth
    My courage will crumble with the loss of your strength
    But you will always have me
    If you but hold me as a memory

    1. Thanks for adding your wonderful words to the site why not share your name.
